Adam MacIsaac
I'm Adam MacIsaac and I have worked in many various social justice areas since graduating from high school in 2000 from Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.), Canada. I am currently working with Peace... read more I'm Adam MacIsaac and I have worked in many various social justice areas since graduating from high school in 2000 from Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.), Canada. I am currently working with Peace Child International and living in England. Before making the move to work with Peace Child International, I was the Prince Edward Island Youth Engagement Coordinator for a project called Creating Local Connections Canada (CLC Canada) which is an initiative of TakingITGlobal (TIG). With my involvement with TakingITGlobal I was a panelist at the 2007 MESH conference which is Canada’s premier technology conference and currently has a blog featured on Throughout my experience working on an organic farm in rural P.E.I., traveling to the Dominican Republic to work with Fair Trade Coffee and Cacao collectives, being the University of Prince Edward Island Coordinator for Meal Exchange and being on the Executive Committee for the Sierra Youth Coalition I have developed a strong connection with food security and environmental issues locally, nationally and internationally. While working as an International Development Intern with Rescue Mission Canada, I have worked with youth on the international scale and now look forward to working again with youth internationally on the United Nations Youth Climate Change Publication & Video Project at Peace Child International and helping plan for the 2008 World Youth Congress. I most recently joined with other young Canadians on the Canadian Youth Delegation to Bali, Indonesia and attended the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change where I documented the youth delegation and the international youth climate movement which will be used for future education and youth empowerment. Je suis Adam MacIsaac, et j'ai oeuvré dans plusieurs domaines de justice sociale depuis ma graduation au secondaire en 2000 sur l'Ile-du-Prince-Edouard, Canada. Je travaille présentement pour Peace Child International et j'habite l'Angleterre. Avant de traverser l'océan, j'ai servi de Coordonateur pour le programme Créer des Connections Locales chez TakingITGlobal (TIG). Avec mes expériences de travail sur des fermes biologiques, des coopératives de café et de cacao équitables en République Dominicaine, et mon bénévolat chez la Coalition Jeunesse Sierra et Meal Exchange, j'ai développé un étroit lien entre la sécurité environnementale et les enjeux environnementaux globaux. Doué dans les nouveaux médias, j'ai aidé à faire connaître la Délégation l'année dernière lors de la Conférence du Climat à Bali, et je compte poursuivre mon travail en Pologne cette année.
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