Amy Matthews...Action Agent!
Please VOTE FOR ME to be one of ten 'action agents', who go to Borneo, West Kalimantan, with DeforestACTION, to help save the forests and orangutans. The forests are being cleared for unsustainable palm oil plantations, a product in 50% of Australian supermarket foods! Please vote for me and let me know what you do to help protect the planet - if we all just do our bit, it will make a huge difference. Don't ever think, how will my one letter to a company asking them to stop using unsustainable palm oil make any difference or how will boycotting a certain product that contains palm oil make any difference - if we all said that, we wouldn't get anywhere! We have done enough damage to the planet - it's time we all did some good. Just do your bit!
Related Issues Environment Education
Collections DeforestAction: Project Borneo
Tags deforestaction takingitglobal orangutans forest deforestation borneo west kalimantan palm oil project borneo 3d an action movie environment
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