Project Borneo 3D Action Agent - Dino Fitriza 5
The fact that an orangutan or a person from the Forest is the closest human relatives, with 96.4% share its DNA with humans makes the story of “The man, orangutan, and fire” touches me more. What have people done for the past 60 years have actually been so damaging. Now there are only 6600 Sumatran orangutans and 40,000 to 50,000 orang-utans borneo and 7 billion people. That is, there are nearly 1 million people for every 1 Sumatran orang-utan. It’s an irony, If fairy tales were true, about the orangutan sacrificed to save human from the pursuit of a giant to get a fire. Now, We have turned into the most frightening giant monster ever, and we are killing orangutans with the fire that once we get with help from them. Vote Dino Fitriza : http://dfa.tigweb.org/hub/Dinolefty
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Collections Save Orangutan - Project Borneo 3D by Dino Fitriza

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