Glen Everett Sullivan (Aglibut)
Energetic and sure one moment, Quiet and reserved the next, but I will do my best to be someone I can respect. I'm a Mutt. Filipino/Malaysian/Native American/ French/Irish born in Holland, but... read more Energetic and sure one moment, Quiet and reserved the next, but I will do my best to be someone I can respect. I'm a Mutt. Filipino/Malaysian/Native American/ French/Irish born in Holland, but lived pretty much all over the world (started traveling since I was 2 weeks old O_O ). Still haven't been to Australia... or Antartica for that matter... we'll see. As far as fitness goes I'm no slouch, but I think that if you can save a drowning person, survive a zombie attack, and can kick some serious ass at capture-the-flag... then you're good to go! ^_^ I think the ancient Greeks were on to something when they said MODERATION IN ALL THINGS!... cept cocaine, that shit can kill you... and all that other crap too. I forgot what my point was, but it was something along the lines that what's inside counts more than what's on the outside... a bit cliche I know. :P I like saying things like "shway" "hyne" "Booyah" "shweet" and "hurro". I LOVE CAPTURE THE FLAG!!!!!!!!!!! Going barefoot, and going to the beach... and by beach I don't mean getting wasted by the bonfire, but just taking it all in :) Here are my best friends in a nut shell: Colly M- Is blessed with the AZN gene of superb video-gaming and is very well versed in zombie survival tactics should the occasion ever arise. Since he has grown his hair long, he has become the perfect carbon-copy of Soul-Calibur's Mitsurugi.... no seriously. Mikey K- Tech wizkid who likes to emulate dark brooding people via his choice of clothing, anime, etc. He drinks nothing but Coca-Cola 24/7 and his head is perfectly shaped to fit all baseball caps. conclusion it is our dream (The 3 Musketeers) to one day be able to convince Bill Gates to give us the money to build Balamb Garden so that we may live in it and stuff... well it was before we grew out of that stage :D _______________________________________ Who said the quickest way to someone's heart was through their stomache? Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that if you keep feeding them a lot, then they become too slow to run away? "So, if you start with good intentions, you have a better chance of ending up with - good." "Those are plants - plants are easy. You water the ones you want, you weed out the ones you don't. Sometimes you fertilize a tree and sometimes you prune it. Everything else - machines, and time and space you know, it's really complicated sometimes." Hmm..... *looks for a plant costume* ... lookit me when I'm trying to be cute dammit! >_O *twitch*... lol just kidden. Out of school I live on Cape Cod (usually). And no I'm not a tourist, I actually -live- there. Yes, we do exist. (aha! stole your quote Leonard) P.S. Sometimes in order to change the world, you need to start with yourself. CURRENT SPORTS INVOLVED IN: Fencing Kendo
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