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Posted on Apr 20, 2007  |   2799 views  

Russian branch can be represented by the projects of Khlebnikov, Tatlin, Krutikov, Shukhov, Melnikov, Vernadski, Ciolcovsci, Genri TORO and modern authors as well. The "music of spirals", "music of genetic" can be a uniting motif. In 1991 I invented multi-spiral technology of constructing springs-based, drop-shaped shells for houses, cupolas, jurts, umbrellas. The essential principle is the structure of DNA. I am greatly fascinated by your works – especially spiral cucumbers, they remind me of airplanes at the airport, where I sometimes work as a rescuer. I would be glad if my knowledge and models could enlarge your collection of spirals and cupolas. Everything which is small and “nano” is carrying me away, that’s why I organized the Puppet Eco Theatre of SPIRAL Technology “LIVING DOME” for children and pensioners in a boarding school, with the support of Soros Foundation. My dream is to establish a mini-theatre “Interspiral” in the heart of St-Petersburg in order to pass on the baton of Spiral Ballet to the future generations.


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