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Posted on Sep 26, 2007  |   3353 views  

HABITAT-Workshop "SPHERE HOUSE". THE STEP for sustainability. We have found one of the branch of the Milky Way spiral-spiral galaxy. The Material and energy in journey in spirals. It Is Encoded in our nature DNA. Using spiral principle DNA for design of the houses. The Priority Project-author of the patent in 1991 "Folding frame-based shell netted rotation and model to usefulness of the certificate No. 8380, 04 E B1/343. THE INITIATOR - SHEVNIN YURIY VASILIEVICH purpose of the project:production shell netted rotation (principle DNA). Workshop "SPHERE HOUSE" is an unique educational ambience for student. The Design of the workshop for production, packing netted (mesh) frames, can minimize the energy costs and material. The Diameter of the Project Workshop "SPHERE HOUSE"- 5 metres. With mounted stove in the centre to be warmed and processing the metal. Membrane Workshop "SPHERE HOUSE"- consists of steel folding mesh frames, three layers to insulation (polyethylene, carbon, glass filament), cement, sheet metal, veneer, fabrics. Target group, children with genetic alteration, schoolchildren, volunteer. The Project provides the detailed instruction for all, who will be capable to build the house in the field of low prices with maximum conservation of the ambience and energy everywhere. Novelty project- use local material available; the moss, fabrics insulator heats 3D polyethylene, sheets of the veneer, and packing frame of the metal of the steel wire was formed on base of the structure gene and DNA. The Surface of the building was going to minus welding and minus drill. Portable frame-based like gene, 3-5 metres on length ( the chromosomes X Y), bolt (Nucleotide). The Production elements folding mesh frames like skeleton (ribosomu). Entry and transition between house - a hyperbolic geometry. Free laying. For resident of the building, have a mobile telephone and Internet. When flood Workshop "SPHERE HOUSE"- flipper. The Project can be realized on north or south. Workshop "SPHERE HOUSE"- can save to lifes. The Prices of the Building in area available to save the alive nature, tree, wood. The Syntheses of the genetic knowledge and mechanical engineers does the available architecture of the fantastic variety. The Project tested the mini a project for people with genetic alteration supported International DEVELOPMENT FUND. In 1991, I inventor spiral-technology, shell of the spring in the form drop houses, dome, sphere. The Significant industrial principle for sustainability future - a structure DNA. I am a faith that introduction to spiral technology will help to solve the problems a vein in the world and creation in stable civil society. All will be capable to create the small house on oceanside. "If genetic code DNA-RNA, programming roses of the project, elephant, and we must ask what code of the intellect to create DNA-RNA, as well as atoms and molecules, which is encoded program."-R.B. The Fuller. Spiral technologies for design airship and submarine, houses, can be used (Carbon, nanotube) for space of the hothouses space. Web Links OpenGL organization - The Industry Standard for 2D & 3D Graphics - Ultimate 3D Links - Software download Center. - Over 30,000 Shareware, Freeware downloads and tested, rated and reviewed software submitted by software 5starshare Software Download - The shareware and freeware Download site. PC Soft Land - The Largest Software Archive on the Internet. - Freeware, Shareware software download - Directory of shareware, freeware and demo programs. Pad file enabled for developers. - Popular software download archive! 20000+ programs to download, many with user ratings and reviews. - The ultimate software collection ENSYS Engineering Training - Ensys, established in 1990 is a leading engineering training provider of Engineering EIT/PE Licensure Training Programs, Continuing Engineering Professional Education and Engineering Licensure Renewal Courses.


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