The Significant industrial principle for sustainability future - a structure DNA.
The Priority Project-author of the patent in 1991 "Folding frame-based shell netted rotation and model to usefulness of the certificate No. 8380, 04 E B1/343.
THE INITIATOR - SHEVNIN YURIY purpose of the project:production shell netted rotation (principle DNA).
Workshop "SPHERE HOUSE" is an unique educational ambience for student. The Design of
the workshop for production, packing netted (mesh) frames, can minimize the energy costs and material.
The Diameter of the Project Workshop "SPHERE HOUSE"- 5 metres. With mounted stove
in the centre to be warmed and processing the metal.
Membrane Workshop "SPHERE HOUSE"- consists of steel
folding mesh frames, three layers to insulation (polyethylene, carbon, glass filament), cement, sheet metal, veneer, fabrics.
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