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Airborne - New Zealand Rising - Wellington, New Zealand, December 2002

Posted on Feb 25, 2003  |   3495 views  

The rising sun warms the skies as we climbing away from the New Zealand coast.<br><br>Leaving Wellington for Sydney after a 3 Day Transit home! - Thankyou Mr & Mrs Homeland Security >:(<br><br>3 years ago I flew 'Jumpseat' in a 747 on a landing in Shanghai. Incredible! Absolutely Freakin Stunning! Alas I had no camera at the time and now frequently annoy my fellow passengers in an obsessive effort to make up for the fact.<br><br>Rows 16 to 40 still offer awesome visions at 30,000ft and I'll have my nose pressed up against the window for hours.

New Zealand

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