Jingtong Lin
Hi, I am Judy Lin, a ninth grade student from Beijing National Day School. I believe a good life is to be satisfied what life provides us. Even though sometimes we compromise, sometimes we... read more Hi, I am Judy Lin, a ninth grade student from Beijing National Day School. I believe a good life is to be satisfied what life provides us. Even though sometimes we compromise, sometimes we hesitate, sometimes we encounter something that seems insurmountable, sometimes we are forced to accept the frustrating reality, sometimes we even give up, we will still have something to hope for. This means all the happiness and good life for me. Basically, everything changes my idea of a good life. The society, my family, the people around me, and so on. But mostly, is the difference between people around me. Although I am only fourteen, I meet all sorts of people and often cooperate with them. At first, I didn’t understand the way they act. But as observed, I began to understand and during the process of observing, I find that it relates to everything that has happened in his or her life. Thus, it shapes my idea of a good life. I live in a city that has a very big impact on climate change. Literally, we can see the climate change around us. Also, as I traveled to different countries and I noticed that countries like America have build many national parks, and other countries like Malaysia, they have a small population and even with the tourists, people have little effect on the natural splendor and the climate there. In contrast, China is a country with a massive population and are just beginning to be aware of preserving the nature. Thus, I would like to find a way that every person in the world can do to minimize the effect human has on climate change. For the last twenty years, Beijing “trade” our environment in exchange for increasing economics. But is it worthwhile? But even if we were in a desperate position, should we gave up the entire climate to increase economics? I think we should always try to create equilibrium between human and climate. Beijing has improved a lot in a very short time. Public transportation, limiting the cars, and the heating system has changed from burning coal to natural gas. This is something that I am very proud of. I believe it would be even better if the government invest more in promoting the technology of cleaning the exhaust gas so that the workers wouldn’t lose their job and we can still have a perfect climate.
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