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kata dohnanyova

"One day you will open your eyes and see her." These words come from new Tori Amos record and I think they characterize my personality a bit. I like returns, I like changes and surprises. Forth... read more "One day you will open your eyes and see her." These words come from new Tori Amos record and I think they characterize my personality a bit. I like returns, I like changes and surprises. Forth semester I study a beauty architecture on Academy of fine arts, Bratislava. It is funny kind of school. Always wanted to be there, I was freak all the time. Now, when I realized it isn´t that perfect (like every school system), it started me looking for some adventure in foreign or abroad study. I´d love to travel, because this activity can satisfite my pretension best, widen my horizon and I´m not talking about all the interesting (and sooo different) people I can meet. Human has a great oportunity to learn all his life long, so why not take chance?! I played piano for 10 years, not a virtuoso, bout enjoying the magic of music and rythm. Now I can appreciate all the good quality music I listen to. It´s difficult for me to decide for some kind of ... everything ... It changes all the time. If somebody ask me to go tomorow somewhere or do something and it is an interesting offer, no problem. I´m not like light-minded, but how offen I can get an opportunity to change something or something in my life? For a long time I was interested in ezotheric, meditation, tarot cards etc. These brought me a lot of knowledge about hypersenzitive perception of human mind. I´m not like a witch :), but now I know, what everything exerts influence upon humans and how I can deal with my mind in positive (or negative) way. All that, maybe because I´m very senzitive person - artist ;) I have a bright ideas how my life should look like. I don´t mean a car in five years or house on the beach somewhere in Mediterian, but a state of satisfaction, which I want to reach. And it don´t depends on material values. And never will. Also I believe in reincarnation, but psss! it´s just personal ;)

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