Rhoda Musili
I am 25 years old and work as a Field Officer with Arid Lands Information Network(ALIN )www.alin.net. ALIN's mission is a Knowledge driven society.I am based at Mutomo Maarifa ( Knowledge ) Centre... read more I am 25 years old and work as a Field Officer with Arid Lands Information Network(ALIN )www.alin.net. ALIN's mission is a Knowledge driven society.I am based at Mutomo Maarifa ( Knowledge ) Centre in Eastern Kenya.This is a community resource Centre which offers free access to information to the community at no cost.http://mutomomaarifa.blogspot.com.The services offered are Internet access,publications,Basic ICT training,Multi-media content,E-government services,Advisory services,Online Market Information,content creation and dissemination.My duties as a Field Officer include managing the knowledge centre, assisting community with accessing information,documentation of indigenous knowledge,dissemination of information to the community
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