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Laurece Morgillo

I'm a mum of 2 + 2 unofficially adopted. I am single. Quite happy too. Almost finished my teaching degree. Finished my BA last year. The bank and I own my home. We have 2 cats, 2 rats, 1 horse.... read more I'm a mum of 2 + 2 unofficially adopted. I am single. Quite happy too. Almost finished my teaching degree. Finished my BA last year. The bank and I own my home. We have 2 cats, 2 rats, 1 horse. There would be more animals if I would let the kids... but no more thank you! We live in a wonderful place (many families save all year to come here for holidays). We have great neighbours and live in a gorgeous little town that only has a population of about 1000. There is no petrol station, no hotel (pub). We do have a general store and a little resturant, a trading post and the football club recreation centre that opens every Friday night for drinks. We have a little hair salon, a massage therapist,and a Hall. A railway track runs through the heart of our village and the various types of trains (freight, cattle, passenger trains) which adds character to the atmosphere. People are always out walking, or walking their dog, riding bikes or riding horses (sometimes the odd kid racing around on their motorbike while there arn't any police around). My God, my environment and my children make me who I am these days. And I love it.

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