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Maged Hamouda

Biography Name: Maged Abd El Azim Hamouda -1 Date of Birth: 2 / 2 / 1962-2 -3Title: - Arab Republic of Egypt El-Qalubia Moshtohor Center Tookh Phone work / 0132477937 - Mobile / 0121980510 -4... read more Biography Name: Maged Abd El Azim Hamouda -1 Date of Birth: 2 / 2 / 1962-2 -3Title: - Arab Republic of Egypt El-Qalubia Moshtohor Center Tookh Phone work / 0132477937 - Mobile / 0121980510 -4 Education: 1-Leave of Agricultural Sciences Division Public 1989 (Al Azhar University 2-Graduate Diploma in crop 1997 3-Master of Science Agricultural Crops (Specialization) (CROP BREEDING) 2006 4-Graduate studies for a PhD, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University (Educational crops) Specialty work: 1- BREEDING CROPS 2-Specializes in the BREEDING of the maize crop 3-The completion of the registration 3 hybrid Singles White 4-Was the work of Genetic fingerprinting was also the work of protecting a property to the highest intellectual my own 5-I own a 2500 Pure line of pure white maize, yellow and red color Alondosberm This program has been brought up on my own and I spend inside the Arab Republic of Egypt Signature MAGED HAMOUDA Researcher and breeder Field Crops

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