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Language as Violence, violence as language -Domestic Violence affecting Children

Posted on Jun 1, 2005  |   5361 views  

The image is by John Githinji, in class eight at Morison Primary school, who lives at Bahati rehabilitation center. John had been subjected to street life due to domestic violence. The drawing was in pencil and crayon. It had to be reduced to fit in the scanner, so it appears as a pencil drawing although it is crayon in colors.CReduction in colur services are very scares over here. The image is about domestic violence affecting children. The child is being battered by both parents. They are calling him names and wish for him to die. The boy is on the ground, in between the father\'s legs.The father is using a wooden cooking spoon and the mother uses a frying pan. The boy cries loudly to draw the neighbours attention for rescue. These are the experiences which make children live in the city streets, in fear of domestic violence.


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