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Showing Mercy


It all started at dawn in the middle belt region of Nigeria. They entered into the mosque and killed all, about 70 people, mostly productive youths, that were there to observed the morning prayer. This act was a revenge to an earlier attack by some moslem youths on christians that were worshipping in a church. It's a fight for supremacy. All these need to stop. Millions of youths that are suppose to be leaders of tomorrow had died untimely because of religion conflicts. I see that one day, the big wall of hatred in religion will fall. I see that one day, in every nooks and corners of the globe, churches and mosques will be built side by side. I see that one day, your religion will ahve no effects to the social and economic life of youths. I see that one day, there will be total peace through religion tolerance


MediumDrawing, Crayon

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