A Better Community for All (ABC4All)
Joyful Noise | ABC Watch for 20 seconds here and share with others!: VIDEO: <a href="http://youtu.be/MWYntqLZ1c4">The ABC Theme by the JOYFUL NOISE Choir</a> Welcome to The Legacy of... read more Joyful Noise | ABC Watch for 20 seconds here and share with others!: VIDEO: <a href="http://youtu.be/MWYntqLZ1c4">The ABC Theme by the JOYFUL NOISE Choir</a> Welcome to The Legacy of ABC4All! TIG: http://profiles.tigweb.org/abc4all Legacy? Yes! Anyone participating with ABC4All begins to build their own legacy for their loved ones and descendants! As us how! Or go here: http://loa.abc4all.net The ABC4All Global Mentoring TEAM project Start Page is located here! http://projects.tigweb.org/abc4allglobalteam Learn about being an ABC4All Mentor here: http://abc4all.net/learnaboutmentors.htm Main ABC4All Start Page is here: http://abc4all.net ABC4All in a Nutshell http://nutshell.abc4all.net The Global Portal4Relief: http://home.abc4all.net with all the Divisions of ABC4All. Local ABC4All: http://abc4all.net/localabc4all.html will find new homes on the ABC4All Portal4Relief! Network of ABC4All Sites: ABC4All Portal4Relief! http://home.abc4all.net ABC4All-TV WorldWide Network (AWWN) http://www.trunity.net 1 in 1 Billion! http://www.1in1billion.com A New Direction4All-GHR http://and4a.abc4all.net Remembering 2 Remember (R2R) http://r2r.abc4all.net KinDrop http://kindrop.abc4all.net Local ABC4All Model http://local.abc4all.net ABC4All4HAITI http://haiti.abc4all.net ABC4All Basics http://abc4all.net/abc4allbasics.html! <a href="http://ayr.abc4all.net">ABC4All YOUNGSTERS REVOLUTION</a> Join ABC4All YOUNGSTERS REVOLUTION <a href="http://on.fb.me/laZ4Hd">Group on Facebook</a>: 1/2 the world's population communicates4a better world for all! Links for a Better World! <a href="http://ac.abc4all.net">ABC4All Champions!</a> <a href="http://f4bw.abc4all.net/topics/view/68242/">Global Message</a> <a href="http://path.abc4all.net/topics/view/69933/">World Journeys!</a> Please consider support for ABC4All Partner Jazz For Peace FUNdraising Concerts supporting both NGOs and nonprofits worldwide AND ABC4All Global Humanitarian Relief (GHR) Programs Advanced Technology for Water: <a href="http://kindrop.abc4all.net">Plasma Activated Water (PAW)</a> already saving lives in US/Canada - want to bring PAW technology first to Haiti to stem the cholera epidemic where 1000/day are dying. VIDEO: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkSv5JX1qFY">Water for the World</a> CLICK! to read more: <a href="http://ghrd.abc4all.net">http://ghrd.abc4all.net</a> The FOREVER Campaign for Global Humanitarian Relief (FCGHR) launched on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 GHRD #362! Via the <a href="http://hitm.abc4all.net">Premiere ABC4All / Jazz For Peace Concert</a> in Los Angeles! Initial Goal to better water via advanced life-saving technologies for water to Haiti where 1000 people a day are dying from the cholera epidemic predicted to last 20 years. SAVING LIVES: http://sl.abc4all.net <a href="http://worldtv.com/abc4all">PREVIEW with a variety of videos</a> via ABC4All-TV Channel on ABC4All Partner WorldTV ABC4All <a href="http://home.abc4all.net/resources/view/145954/?topic=32255">supports nonprofits/NGOs worldwide</a> (more coming): Cordially, Burt Burton Danet, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist (retired) Co-Founder, ABC4All Portal4Relief http://home.abc4all.net/ 1-310-712-5477 Skype abc4allteam -- ***I am in RELIEF. Do you want to be?*** ABC4All Campaign for Global Humanitarian Relief (GHR) ******************** NEW! ONLINE FOCUS: Global Humanitarian Relief (GHR) JOIN Global Humanitarian Relief Day (GHRD) - EVERY DAY! - and benefit from REWARDS4All! <a href="http://ghrd.abc4all.net/join/request/">http://ghrd.abc4all.net/join/request/</a> if you need password, use joinghrdp you can contribute to the site! no HTML needed! user friendly. SAFE. No spamming, no hacking. Next-generation web design. FREE! Even the highest upgrade (business site) Create your own Network of FREE Websites! JOIN ABC4All YouTube Channel for Global Humanitarian Relief (GHR) <a href="http://youtube.com/user/abc4allteam"> http://youtube.com/user/abc4allteam</a></b> <b>From: ABC4All TIG: <a href="http://profiles.tigweb.org/abc4all" target="_blank">http://profiles.tigweb.org/<wbr />abc4all</a> <a href="http://ghrd.abc4all.net">Global Humanitarian Relief Day</a> (GHRD)into Perpetuity (FOREVER)! <a href="http://ghrd.abc4all.net">Global Humanitarian Relief Rewards</a> (GHRR) Main ABC4All has a new Global Portal: <a href="http://home.abc4all.net" target="_blank">http://home.abc4all.net</a> Local ABC4All: <a href="http://abc4all.net/localabc4all.html" target="_blank">http://abc4all.net/<wbr />localabc4all.html</a> will find new homes on the ABC4All Portal4Relief! <u>Network of ABC4All Sites:</u> Here are the individual sites: ABC4All Portal4Relief! <a href="http://home.abc4all.net">http://home.abc4all.net</a> ABC4All-TV WorldWide Network (AWWN) <a href="http://awwn.abc4all.nettrunity.net">http://awwn.abc4all.net</a> 1 in 1 Billion! <a href="http://1in1billion.abc4all.net/">http://1in1billion.abc4all.net</a> A New Direction4All-GHR <a href="http://and4a.abc4all.net/">http://and4a.abc4all.net</a> Remembering 2 Remember (R2R) <a href="http://r2r.abc4all.net/">http://r2r.abc4all.net</a> KinDrop <a href="http://kindrop.abc4all.net/">http://kindrop.abc4all.net</a> Local ABC4All Model <a href="http://local.abc4all.net/">http://local.abc4all.net</a> ABC4All4HAITI <a href="http://haiti.abc4all.net/">http://haiti.abc4all.net</a> ABC4All Basics <a href="http://abc4all.net/abc4allbasics.html" target="_blank">http://abc4all.net/<wbr />abc4allbasics.html</a> A Better Community for All (ABC4All) is a group of dedicated volunteers working at great self-sacrifice without funding from any source with intention to harness the power of the Internet to create sustainable opportunities that will lead to Self-FUNding4All. Through this means any Local ABC4All Effort that is created in the world can bring resources together to create improvements in local communities. ABC4All has been exposed to technologies that can, with appropriate support from every corner of the globe, lead to improvement in basic needs, including better water and better agricultural practices. These advanced technologies are shared, in part, at <a href="http://abc4all.net/worldsolutions.htm"><b>ABC4AllWorld Solutions.™</a></b> Taking IT Global, hailed by the Institute of Noetic Sciences as one of the 10 greatest hopes of humanity is the location for the <a href="http://projects.takingitglobal.org/abc4allglobalteam"><b>ABC4All Global Mentoring TEAM Project</b></a>. A Better Community for All (ABC4All), a virtual entity, encourages voluntary community empowerment through sharing of information. Participants create their own activity/role and eventually discover an appropriate self-designation, all the while supporting Global Humanitarian Relief! PREAMBLE: <a href="http://ABC4All.net/preamble.htm"><b>http://ABC4All.net/preamble.htm</b></a> <b>CONTACT VIA EMAIL: abc4allteam (at) abc4all (dot) net Chat available! If you need a FREE account invitation, please write! Thank you for considering ABC4All Global Mentoring TEAM Project! <font size="4"><b>Recently Burton Danet created a <a href="http://abc4all.net/75.htm">different version (CLICK!)</a><br>of the 75-word description of <font color="#FF0000">ABC4All</font>!</p> <hr> <p ALIGN="CENTER"><font size="4"><font color="#0000FF" size=+2><b>WELCOME! SPLASH with <font color="#FF0000">ABC4All</font>!<br> <center><A HREF="http://home.abc4all.net/files/188201_188300/188281/welcome_1.mp3"><IMG SRC="http://sugarpinerealty.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/ear.jpg?w=251"></A><BR> Click the ear!<b> <p align="center"><font size="3"><b><a href="http://abc4all.net/75.htm">CLICK!</a> for an alternate version of the <a href="http://abc4all.net/75.htm">75-word description</a> of <font color="#FF0000">ABC4All</font>!<br> SING/RECORD YOUR VERSION AND SEND TO<br><a href="mailto:abc4allteam (at) abc4all (dot) net:Subject=MyVersion!">abc4allteam (at) abc4all (dot) net</a></p> <p align="center"><font size="6" color="#FF0000">HEY Y'All</p> <p align="center"><font size="6" color="#FF0000">It's 4All!</p></font></b></p>
Visit A Better Community for All (ABC4All)'s TIG Profile-
Better World4All
ABC4All Trip
The Children Are The Guardians Of The World
A New WWW: Well Water for the World!
Global Toast and "Lend a Hand"
Campaign for Global Humantarian Relief (GHR)
The Legacy of ABC4All
As Long As...
Campaign for Global Humanitarian Relief (GHR)
Check out this Slide Show
Mt. Rundle