Mian M Adnan Amin
I invariably find myself in an awkward position whenever someone asks me the quintessential question "Could you tell us something about yourself?"....Well, I am constantly changing, what to say...... read more I invariably find myself in an awkward position whenever someone asks me the quintessential question "Could you tell us something about yourself?"....Well, I am constantly changing, what to say... My Name is Mian Adnan Amin, Since I have been on this planet much longer than most of you, I can tell you frankly, you have achieved in your young lives more than I have achieved in my life time. The only thing I can envy you for, is your access to the internet. I wish I had that luxury at your age, I would have met people from all over the globe with the push of a button,. It would have made my life a little bit easier, to chat with somebody on the other side of the planet, to hear someone say that our heart goes out for you, we know you are out there , help is on the way, food has been delivered by the Red Cross. something like that, for a teenager, any word of hope would have meant the world to me. so I guess by now, you know why I am so passionate about taking it global, because I believe in the youth of tomorrow, I believe in Peace, I believe in technology bringin people together, I love to help them who does not have any hand exist to help them coz we are one and lives in 1 world and it is Our World, I am not into and receisum or cultural things my aim to perform my duty for humen being i would like to Thnx T.I.G who offered me a chance for a better world, like reading, serfing the net, listening to music and walking. I wish I could make a difference after joining the S.O.W and understanding the importance of voluntery work and how much experience one can gain. I have also learnt how real team work can be. I hope I can make a difference together with my team work, since our slogan is "All in one and one in all". I wish we could do something that would work together with the national efforts to promote job opportunities for youth.. As we all know the government cannot work all alone.. Everyone should exert the maximum effort in order to achieve the main objective of his/her country, which is raising the standard of living for all its people, especially youth. If any person has the chance to help so why not?
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