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Lush Life

Posted on Feb 26, 2012  |   2266 views  

This photo was recently on Cypress Mountain, home to the first Olympic gold medal on home turf. This image illustrates the richness and age of our forests in BC. The integration of moss on trees has always been a satisfying image for me. For me, moss on trees is a sign of rich life. Even after trees have fallen, the growth of moss on the bark of trees adds lushness to the setting. While it may not appear so, under a microscope this tree is a breeding ground for a wealth of life. The vibrancy of such trees are unique to the West Coast and further illustrates Canada’s diverse landscape from one coast to the next. This tree was only one of many which soared to the sky. As snow fell that day, the tree soaked it in and became refresh. This image displays a quiet and peaceful scene that the Cypress Mountain is home to.


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