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My Culture and I - Eun Chae

Posted on Jun 3, 2015  |   1483 views  

This piece was made through the AYV program at the Changchun American International School. "Starting the project I first had to think about what aspect of my culture I want to show in the photograph. I also looked at many different photographs related to our culture for inspiration. And with that idea, I started to make brief sketch of what I wanted it to look like. As for myself, I chose the area traditional arts to focus on. This was inspired by a Korean movie called the ‘King’s Man’. The composite reflects my culture, because it shows all three areas of Korean traditional art; Korean musical, art, and literature. And not only does it reflect my culture, but also reflects myself. I love my culture and I am very proud of it, I am proud of our very own art, music, language and characters different from every language. In the picture, I am closing my eyes and I look satisfied and proud."

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