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Create with a Purpose Corruption in the Society

Posted on Jan 24, 2012  |   3396 views  

Artist(s): Anonymous Organization: Kenya Telecentres Link Description: (After two days before the election, Diego decides to call up a group of gangsters to go and kill Santos) DIEGO: Young boys I think you are strong and ready enough to complete this job now. GANGSTER: Boss, just give us our pay and the job shall be done. GANGSTER: We hope so boss. (They depart to Santiago’s department that night. They surround the house and others get in) GANGS: Down all of you! (They shout to the family members who were happily having supper. Suddenly one of the gang members pulls a trigger direct to Santo’s head. He falls down with a loud bang as the gang runs away) MIGEL: Woooi! Father! Father! The one responsible for this will pay I swear. (Crying shaking his father who had already passed away) (Early in the morning) NEWS:We interrupt the normal program to bring you this sudden news. Mr. Santo’s the former member of the Aldama Company was attacked by armed robbers last night. The gangsters have not yet been traced. The body of Mr. Santos is in Kenyatta Hospital and his burial will take place on Saturday. MIGEL: (Speaking with the media) the death of my father has really shocked many of us. I promised my father to find the gang and I hope I will succeed to take them to jail for the rest of their lives. We all have to move on with life. (Facing his mother) mum, you have to be strong no matter what. Let us forget about everything and move on with life.


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