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African Market Woman

Posted on Jun 11, 2014  |   2360 views  

Author: Dan Tetteh Organization: Phil Darko As pictures speaks a thousand words and also picture speaks for itself. Our art work is being used to educate, empower and transform lives in our communities and it will go a long way to impact many lives around the world. 1. The SANKOFA bird art symbolize the meaning, we can always go back and pick up good things in the past to better our lives and societies. Thus the bird going back to pick up her laid egg. The color black and whites means, the saying applies to all cultures, being black or white. 2. The HIV/AIDs red card is an designed and picture educating people to be strong in themselves as the referee of their lives and protect themselves against HIV/AIDs. 3. The third picture shows a woman selling stuff in the market to provide for her family instead of sitting down lazily for poverty to cripple her.

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