Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman
Hello, this is Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman, you can simply call me "Mahbub". I involve in the field of Multimedia Profession and also work with youth community of Bangladesh Now I am working for ICT4D... read more Hello, this is Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman, you can simply call me "Mahbub". I involve in the field of Multimedia Profession and also work with youth community of Bangladesh Now I am working for ICT4D and as a multimedia developer I am working with several national and international projects simultaneously. And will happy...if I can contribute any project required multimedia consultancy specially related to TIG or youth. As a person, I love travelling and feel friendly with new culture and new friends. Most of the time I am always busy with my computer... making design, learning new tools and dispatch tutorial.... I dream a new youth friendly world where I found all the youth treated equally and they are getting full access of technology. I am realy worried about limitation of access by 95% youth of the developing countries like Bangladesh and I sincerely involve my time, effort and skill to improve this situation. I sincerely expect that we should have a chance to speak our "youth" views in perspect of developing and developed country's youth to make people centered and active youth policy. My Experience: Currently I am running an organization as a president named "World Initiative of Students for Exchange Dhaka" (WISE). For more information: I am also running a TIG projects named "Bangladesh Youth Development Forum" under TIG where I empowered youth at national and international level. ---- MDGs Youth Editor (Suf2015) Bangladesh Millennium Campaign ---- and also involved with ICT media (Multimedia Tutorial & Feature writer) in Bangladesh.
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