Gaia's Lap Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization whose primary purpose is to provide assistance to orphanages globally based upon a thorough assessment of their immediate needs for... read more Gaia's Lap Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization whose primary purpose is to provide assistance to orphanages globally based upon a thorough assessment of their immediate needs for wellness. Gaia's Lap Foundation seeks to improve the quality of life for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. We provide nurturing care and educational programs which are tailored to the needs of the children in our projects. To foster awareness and understanding of the arts, the cultural traditions and differences through programs of teaching and performance. Our Mission 1. Based on a thorough assessment of orphanages immediate needs, to provide assistance medically or otherwise as needed. 2. Initiate educational programs and opportunities, supported by students, volunteers, performing artists and visual artists for children in need. 3. Provide the educational tools necessary, allowing children the ability to express themselves in the arts. 4. To teach and support children in orphanages and develop their talents in the arts. 5. Improve children's self-esteem, encourage and nurture their creativity and appreciation in all areas of the arts. Our Values We believe that every child comes into this world with a divine nature. In order for children to realize their potential, they must learn how to give and receive love. Opportunities must be afforded them whereby they can develop all aspects of their personalities: creative, social, emotional, intellectual, physical and intuition. While institutional care of children may provide them with some of the basic necessities, the need for individual nurturing often goes unattended. We seek to heal and inspire children in need. Through volunteers, students, artists and audiences, to encourage and nurture children, to relate to each other through the arts. To make arts a more significant part of their lives. We are dedicated to the enrichment of the human mind and spirit through the development of music education and appreciation. Through music, to connect to each other and bring awareness and assistance to the needs of children in orphanages. Our Objectives Through our program: Gene Lesch Fund. 1. Provide physical and emotional nurturing to children in need. 2. Improve the quality of health care and personal hygiene for the children. 3. Improve the children's quality of life by upgrading their physical surroundings. 4. Increase local community involvement for the children's needs. 5. Initiate educational programs for children. Through our program: Artists For Mercy. 1. Provide educational programs and opportunities, supported by students, volunteers, performing artists and visual artists. 2. Initiate and provide fund raising projects to allow members to complete their mission. 3. Provide the educational tools necessary and instruments, allowing children to express themselves in arts. 4. Teach and support children and develop their talents in the performing and visual arts. Gaia's Lap Foundation, Inc. P.O.Box 86046 Tucson, AZ 85745 USA
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