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Guilty Cheap Pleasure

Posted on Jul 24, 2009  |   1460 views  

Being a university student teaches you a variety of ways to save money. If you go to a fast food restaurant on a particular day and order a special, you will get a SUPER MEAL for less than $5. If you have to leave the house at 8am and have class until 10pm, you may try to save some money by eating only one meal a day. When this is the case, one is less likely to go for the $9 salad, one is more likely to “Super Size” a combo, for half the price of the salad, and be full until the time to go home finally comes. Eating this type of food once in a while is not bad, but when you see yourself trapped in the cycle more than four times a week, does it really become a problem? (By Andrea)

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