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Posted on Aug 4, 2003  |   2686 views  

We all have roles to play in tourism. If we positively work on these roles, we will significantly grease the wheel that runs tourism as a motor of job creation. TIME Magazine, in its May 21, 2001 issue said, over the last ten years, travel and tourism has evolved from an emerging sector to an established leader in a modern service economy. The world indeed witnessed the fact that it is not technology that makes the economy, but tourism. As the Secretary of Tourism, I admit that the countrys tourism industry suffered a blow due to the challenges that hit this country. But I am not saying that we cannot get back to the game. Yes, we have saddled with problems affecting tourism, but we are not losing any more time in working and preparing for a tourism renaissance. With no less than the Presidents thrusts for tourism revitalization, we at the Department, along with the private sector and other local government units, we are forcefully pushing the countrys tourism revitalization forward. During the successful Tourism-Related Industry Congress, we have secured the cooperation and support of the Cabinet and the Congress to enact more responsive tourism laws and to provide better tourist security. Come and see our islands, and be wowed with our wonders! Mabuhay


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