The challenges that face the young people of Lian are a big concern. This is must be attended by the Government, Business, Community, International Organization and the Youth Sector.
On the other hand, the opportunities for the young people of Lian and their potentials are a wealth of resources and hope for development.
The young people of Lian must harness their potentials, focus their enrgies, talents, creativity and time to self-development, self-reliance, and self-directing individuals. They must come forward and take the cudgels to be proactive action partners of their development and of Lian.
The support, recognition, and partnership of the Government, Business, Community, International Organization and the Youth Sector is very crucial to the development of their fellow youth and of Lian.
25 Youth Leaders of Lian, Batangas, Philippines are the participants.
Youth Arises as Action Partners for Lian Youth Development is the working theme of the forum.
MediumPhotography, Colour
Related Issues Culture