The Lives of the Sekolah Bisa Children (The CAN school)
This submission is a video created by myself and a group of students at my school, The British School of Jakarta, Indonesia. In this video we showcase our partner school “Sekolah Bisa” and its students, all of whom are children living in the shanty towns of Jakarta. This school was created by previous students of the British School as part of the IB CAS service program. The school in Indonesian means "Can School". These children are human, yes. But without acknowledging their existence, without having evidence that they live, are they really living? You have to remember that many of these children don’t even have birth certificates and many are orphans as well. If the government don’t acknowledge them, if they don’t even have parents to acknowledge them then who will?
Humanity doesn’t sit like an egg waiting to hatch in a nest. Humans are meant to act humanely and that is what we do at Sekolah Bisa. We connect these children to the wider community, we provide them with an education, provide them with a daily cooked meal, we provide them with nourishment for their souls in the form of creative and leisurely activities run by volunteers.
This is how we bring the children into society and show that they do matter. This is what belonging looks like.
MediumComputer Graphics
Related Issues Culture Education Health Human Rights Media Peace & Conflict
Collections What Does Belonging Look Like? Cultural Expressions Around The World Dialogue Change: The Global Issues May Call-to-Action Youth Voices on Culture & Identity Imprints Wings of Change
Tags video shanty shantychildren poverty indonesia third-world countries

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