The Potter's Wheel
The vessel of life goes more enduring under continued revolutions, this is the very secret of life, Oh Negligent! Achieving eternity.
Portrait View: (Size 33.5" x 42" Oil On Canvas Year 2003)
It was a sweltering noon one day when, dejected a lot, incidentally, I came across a potter at work aside road. I stood by him just to see how his hands were pushing the deadly wet clay raising a beautiful Vase there from. Too deep in thoughts I fell to remember even, who was advising me a word of wisdom there;
"How enduring the vessel is getting under tender pressures and continued revolutions. Oh Negligent! This is the biggest secret of life unfolding forth. Don't be querulous against the vicissitudes of fortune, which are, in fact, rebuilding a new character from your dead to endure the gust of winds. Let the wheel move around and let the potter's hand reshape your vessel as he may wish".
The pot is an allegory of human vessel (character) here. Potter's hand is an allegory of hand of Nature and wheel is an allegory of wheel of time that never stops and its revolutions are the vicissitudes of fortune.
MediumPainting, Oil
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