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Internally displaced

Posted on Jan 10, 2007  |   2087 views  

While some refugees were able to return to their communities and rebuild their lives, about 40% have moved to the capital, Kabul, in spite of not having any family or roots there. There are no reliable figures on the number of people displaced internally in Afghanistan, living with friends and family or trying to survive in makeshift shelters. In Kabul, an estimated 500,000 people are homeless or living in crude shelters, like this one in a war-damaged Kabul suburb. Friends, see, people are displacing externally we in Afghanistan are moving internally, because most of our people have not their possess houses or property to live. Youth can not make a change to, do you agree, if not how can you make a change, see things, understand, work hard and take action, and let’s make a change.


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