Building Dreams: Al-Aqaba Village
Made by Hala AsSayed
Chapter 7 in the film series chronicling Al Aqaba, a West Bank Palestinian village determined to build new homes as the best way to assure their village's existence despite Israeli Army demolition orders against 97% of their homes, the mosque, medical clinic and kindergarten. Al Aqaba is not alone — according to the Israeli Human Rights group, BIMKOM, there are over 12,500 demolition orders outstanding against Palestinian homes and shops on the land they own in the 60% of the West Bank controlled solely by Israel.
Related Issues Media Culture Human Rights Education Peace & Conflict
Collections Cultural Expressions Around The World
Tags aqaba west bank palestine israel area c jordan valley demolitions middle east rebuilding housing affordable expandable building rebuilding alliance haj sami sadeq donna baranski rebuilding to remain homes with dignity

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