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The Future

Posted on Jun 16, 2008  |   2608 views  

"The future" simply to me represent the yearning of a child - an African child for a better tomorrow,who daily faces life's challenges that are often more than he/she could tackled.It represent the struggling of an African child to build his/her life through education against all daily odds-including lack of school uniform and learning/writing materials.It represent the daily struggling of the African child to be somebody.The Future represents what the present generation awaits as its tomorrow due to their lackadaissical attitude to the welfare and developement of the African child.The future represents what awaits us all,our insensitivity and inhumane attitude to today's children.The future simply simply tell us that not a single soul is safe till all are saved (by being our brother's keeper). It is the stark reality of what face us as a generation and what awaits the next generation if nothing is done to arrest the present situation.What awaits us? "The Future" of course as we can see here.


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