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Mayur C Pankhania

Primary health care physician from Medical College, Baroda, Gujarat, India.I am an amateur medical writer and artist. I am also Creative Director of “Taxila”- Centre for Medical reform and... read more Primary health care physician from Medical College, Baroda, Gujarat, India.I am an amateur medical writer and artist. I am also Creative Director of “Taxila”- Centre for Medical reform and Research, an international student think tank. “Taxila” is an internet based organization which has been participating with many organization of international repute including International Federation of Medical Student Association( IFMSA), European Medical Student Association(EMSA), European Dental Student Association(EDSA) and international Association of Dental Students(IADS) for a joint project to develop and discuss Anti-Tobacco Strategies. “Taxila” is also a partner of globally renowned Stop TB Partnership which is a World Health Organization (WHO) initiative against Tuberculosis. I am also a regional representative ,western zone, India for Student Advisory Group of the International Campaign for Revitalizing Academic Medicine(SAG-ICRAM), initiated by the editors of British Medical Journal and Lancet Medical Journal. I am also associated as regional coordinator, India for Anti TB Campaign, a Project initiated by the IFMSA and StopTB organization. For all this activities my participation is through the internet. I am also actively involved in the regular medical camps organized by the local non governmental organization, in tribal areas of Gujarat, India. I have being designing the Logo for Vibrant, Western Indian medical meet; organize yearly by Baroda Medical College. First medical student from my college to get artwork published in medical journals. As a Cover page for McGill Journal of Medicine ( issue 7.2 (April, 2004) and also in Anti Tobacco Strategies, International medical student journal, summer 2004, Many an event has affected my life. After completing the higher secondary education in year 1999 and getting admission in the MBBS. This had made me aware of the suffering of the disease person and his needs. That drew my attention towards major organization and the project run by them. These are all made possible by the use of the internet. Being associated with such kind of work and as member to many organization, has given me room to grow as a person and express myself better than regular medical student, and has changed my attitude and vision towards the welfare of society. I am also interested in the exploring the possibility and the projects related to the stigmatic diseases like AIDS, TB and malignancies, etc. I like to paint and make sketches and portrait, listening to music and learning new things especially in the field of alternate medicine like yoga, aroma therapy and crystal therapy, etc. I am passionate about bringing technology to serve at it best to my patients. And also want to excel in my art of drawings. I want to do my post graduation in the general medicine and then I will like to join the reputed national research institutes involved in dealing with deadly global pandemics and my aspirations are to find a cure to the disease on the basis of selective destruction of malignant cells so that the life of a stage four carcinoma patients can also be save.

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