Kondwani Thindwa
Kondwan Prince Thindwa is a founder of New Hope youth Foundation (NHYF) I am also heading Zingwangwa youth drop in center whose interest is built around Youth and Gender Equality. Some of the... read more Kondwan Prince Thindwa is a founder of New Hope youth Foundation (NHYF) I am also heading Zingwangwa youth drop in center whose interest is built around Youth and Gender Equality. Some of the leadership attributes that I possess include willingness to accept and deliver on responsibility, competency, ability to understand Team members constituents and their needs and having the capacity to motivate young leaders, which is the heart of leadership. As an emerging leader, my goal is to continue to work with the communities to empower young people to use technology as a means of create self-sustaining communities. One of my goals is to reduce the rate illiteracy among the youth and also help in reducing unemployement rate among the youth. To build a strong relationship between governments and the youth on the issues affecting them and find new solutions on how to end those problems. I have participated in a number of youth conferences like Youth and the Environment Natioanl conferance in Malawi Information and Communication Technology Conferences, University Students fight againts HIV/AIDs pandemic Serminor organised by Adra Malawi, and the World youth Congress 2005 in Scotland just to mention afew. To talk of my hobbies, What I like most is to have fun with friends and folks when I'm home, I like reading different books like religious and finction,also I like watching football, I like cooking more especially on Pizzas ,Travelling is also one of my hobbies. But all the most thing I like is praying to God the cretor who created us all. I wish seeing people all over the world uniting and joining in fighting against hunger and diseases which has terrorised our bealtiful world diseases like HIV/Alds and other related things like wars. And I shall be happy in my life seeing people of different religion uniting.
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