I am a college student pursuing a career in print and web design. I have lived in Calgary, Union (New Jeresy), New York City, and Toronto. I support creative expression, in all its different... read more I am a college student pursuing a career in print and web design. I have lived in Calgary, Union (New Jeresy), New York City, and Toronto. I support creative expression, in all its different mediums. I want to travel the world. I would love to visit Japan, party in London, or browse the museums of Italy. However, I also want to assist in rehabilitating third world, and war-torn countries. For example, working with kids in Bosnia, or teaching people farming techniques in Africa. When I was five, I played tag with my friends and chased grasshopers. I did not dodge bullets, and watch my home burn. If nothing else, someone needs to help the kids, who grew up in situations that they had absolutely no control over. I will use interactive mediums, visual art, and writing to revolutionize the way the world is viewed. Just give me a couple years to get things in order. I chose the design field, because of my hold on visual art. The main challenge is creating the images I see in my dreams. I am also part of DGRDG (, which is a non-profit new media art and design organization actively producing and exhibiting work in Toronto. Feel free to visit my web site, if you are interested.
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