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Jerry Nwigwe

Mission I am here to make the difference.....Seeing is Believing. Orientation/ Believes Don’t just stand there….do something” . How many times have you heard that one? Action is an excellent... read more Mission I am here to make the difference.....Seeing is Believing. Orientation/ Believes Don’t just stand there….do something” . How many times have you heard that one? Action is an excellent antidote for fear. While inaction multiplies and magnifies our fears and anxieties, action diminishes them. Do something make something happen, take action. Even if you do something which doesn’t turn out exactly the way you had planned, you’re still a winner because you took action. Initiatives Founder of Students Against HIV/AIDS, Child Abuse and Neglects- SAHACAAN, in my University days. Founder of International Youth Coalition on Sustainable Development Pioneer Representative and founder of TakingITGlobal Nigeria outreach Founder of Nigeria Debate Movement- Debate And Development Resource Centre Experience Microenterprise Development Specialist- OIC International- Nigeria Tourism Development Coordinator- OIC international- Nigeria Creating Local Connection West Africa- Nigeria National Coordinator

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