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Submissions (2332)

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Lost in the Garden The purpose of this art is to encourage our leaders to take action on food security.
Tags: garden, fruit, vegetable, meat, milk, food security
BlockyBroc Drawing, Pencil-crayon
The ancestral tree The work refers to the condition of our common ancestry. Despite the human ills evident today, the search for love must be prioritized by humanity.
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
Crying out in the midst of pesticides The book seeks to portray the impacts of pesticides on the environment and human health. People are perplexed to learn that European countries produce and sell agrochemicals to developing countries like Brazil.
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
The node tree It refers to the condition of the unbridled search for technology in the midst of various options and the search for truth, for human rights, for the identity that must be rescued in the face of life's unknowns.
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
The tree of all people The tree of all peoples refers to the condition of having the same historical root, where we must respect other cultures and customs, respecting the diversity of each people, without wars. The play seeks to show how fragile we are, but we must have a deep respect for life and the environment that surrounds us. The roots seek to establish our...
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
O grito no meio dos girassóis O grito em meio aos girassóis, é a expressão de espanto frente as condições das mudanças climáticas que afetam a saúde e o meio ambiente. Sendo um direito de poder respirar ar de qualidade de ver crescer os girassóis e usufruir das suas belezas.
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
O grito dos novos tempos Ismael de Abreu, Kaio Silva, Millene de Moraes, Maria Eduarda, Maria Cecília Gonçalves
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
Perspective of the world It shows how your perspective shapes the world, no matter how it actually is.
globalgallery Mixed Media
the ingredient to success the ingredient you need to success is change
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
Buy Them!Or They Will Soon Bury You! Chemical substance that causes a change in our physiology or psychology when consumed so Avoid It.
Tags: #drug - 52%
khadijakiran Drawing, Pencil