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Submissions (13)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Abloom of Cosmos Bipinatus Abloom of Cosmos Bipinatus, Oil on Canvas, 19,7x23,6 inch, 2005, 610 Euro.
Tags: flowers, plants, gardens, realisme, germany, nature study, oil on canvas
heiste Painting, Oil
Blooming love Blooming love - This is an oil painting painted on lesonit, with dimensions 940 x 970 mm
jozefkuti Painting, Oil
Full Bloom, Cherry blossoms 2007 An excellent representation of life's cycles. The blossoms represent the various transformations we all go through, throughout our entire lives which subsides as a constant action within our daily experience.
hgirling Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Marigolds in Bloom Bangalore's marigolds bloom all year-round and these flowers thrive in the Lal Bagh.
ajay78 Photography, Colour
Opening Bloom This picture was taken in Casa Loma's greenhouse in downtown Toronto and the border of the picture was added in a photography editing program. The flowers seem to bring a sense of hope into the world...
helenfu Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Bloom Nature's beauty always seems to perk up one's day. I hope this photo does the same for you.
beeboh Photography, Colour
Red Bloom A photograph taken at the Living Rainforest near Newbury (UK). I just love the way that the foreground and background in this photo are so contrasting. The background looks almost greyscale and then the red at the front seems to really leap out of the picture.
vixchix46 Photography, Colour