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Submissions (88)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Church Alt-Pankow Church Alt-Pankow, Etching/Watercolor, 9,4x12,6 inch, 2004, 140 Euro.
Tags: churches, village meadows, meadows, church alt-pankow, realisme, germany, urban architecture, etching/watercolor
heiste Painting, Watercolour
Saviour Church of Sakrow Saviour Church of Sakrow, Watercolor, 11,6x15,9 inch, 1994, 180 Euro.
Tags: churches, schinkel buildings, water, saviour church of sakrow, realisme, germany, urban architecture, watercolor
heiste Painting, Watercolour
Emperor-Wilhelm-Memorial-Church Emperor-Wilhelm-Memorial-Church, Watercolor, 15,9x11,6 inch, 1994, 180 Euro.
Tags: churches, realisme, germany, urban architecture, watercolor
heiste Painting, Watercolour
Church Lichterfelde Church Lichterfelde, Etching/Watercolor, 12,6x9,4 inch, 1990, 140 Euro.
Tags: churches, village meadows, trees, church lichterfelde, realisme, germany, urban architecture, etching/watercolor
heiste Painting, Watercolour
At the Market, Nikolai Church At the Market, Nikolai Church, Watercolor, 11,6x15,9 inch, 1996, 180 Euro.
Tags: squares, churches, streets, at the market, nikolai church, realisme, germany, urban architecture, watercolor
heiste Painting, Watercolour
Russian Church Russian Church, Etching/Watercolor, 12,6x9,4 inch, 1989, 140 Euro.
Tags: churches, russian life, cementeries, russian church, realisme, germany, urban architecture, etching/watercolor
heiste Painting, Watercolour
Our Lady`s Church Our Lady`s Church, Egg-Tempera/Oil on Canvas, 31,5x23,6 inch, 1995, 1530 Euro.
Tags: churches, squares, fountains, our ladys church, realisme, germany, urban architecture, egg-tempera/oil on canvas
heiste Painting, Oil
Square of Nikolai Church Square of Nikolai Church, Egg-Tempera/Oil on Canvas, 31,5x23,6 inch, 1995, 1480 Euro.
Tags: squares, churches, square of nikolai church, realisme, germany, urban architecture, egg-tempera/oil on canvas
heiste Painting, Oil
Будни Шао Линя (70х50 см) Weekdays Shao Lin холст/масло,Будни Шао Линя
Tags: монастырь, монахи, медитация, храм, monks, meditation, church, contemporary art
baltina Painting, Oil
CSMC_YF_Surulere_2010_MDGS.wmv The pledge been taken in one of many vigils across three (3) states by the Youth Fellowship and led by of the District Cordinator of Cherubim and Seraphim Movement Church (Ayo Ni O) in Nigeria. The Church has come to terms that HIV/AIDS must be treated as an Health Issue rather than a spiritual subject. However, the policy to combat is still...
Tags: cherubim, seraphim, movement, church, ayo ni o, nigeria, akinbo, salin, mdgs, lagos, ogun, oyo live music spirituality, gyca nigeria
pscornerstone Photography, Colour