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Submissions (34)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Crying out in the midst of pesticides The book seeks to portray the impacts of pesticides on the environment and human health. People are perplexed to learn that European countries produce and sell agrochemicals to developing countries like Brazil.
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
Destruction in the Eyes of the Beholder: A Cry for our Fragile Home The artwork depicts the vivid imagery and symbolism of the destructive impact of global warming on Earth. Conveying the interconnectedness between our actions, environmental degradation and the urgent need for change. The eyes doesn't seem white, due to the pollution that is now in sight in the sky. Yet, what we see can represent our collective...
globalgallery Markers
Ocean - A Cry for Help This drawing want to warn people about the pollution in our ocean that harms a lot of different species of animals.
Tags: ocean, pollution, Animals in Danger
JEJD-MAT Drawing, Pencil
And we always let them cry The earth is getting polluted also the hydrosphere. We can stop the whales from committing suicide by cleansing the water. So, why don’t we?
Tags: ocean, pollution, plastic, waste, whale, animals
khadeza21 Painting, Watercolour
Mother Earth is crying Art by students of grade 6, Suncity School, India. Description: Air, water, noise pollution is literally choking the earth and making it cry!
Tags: india, Suncity School, clean and green, environment, climate change, global warming
clannapurna Drawing, Crayon
Earth is crying 李炯
sharklin Computer Graphics
zubiaimran Painting, Acrylic
Devil may Cry Dante by Zakhele Hakonze
ZakheleDHakonze Drawing, Pencil
cry for help information is knowledge and out there is someone ready to hear or help you
sospeterson Painting, Oil
Crying of hte Cloud The cloud is crying. Cloud is internet and because there are too much blocking of internet contents. So that I decided this is a good representation of internet freedom
suyuzhou Drawing, Pencil-crayon