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Submissions (18)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
My peace Dove mixed media artwork dedicated to the theme of children and Peace
Tags: peace, children, dove
shakeh Mixed Media
Leading Dove Created by students age 12 years old at Central Community School in DeWitt, Iowa USA.
PTPIGYM Painting
Doves in the Shadows The love between individuals is often hidden because of the narrow minded views about how love and sexuality is supposed to be expressed. Two girls kiss each other in the shadows of an alley, afraid of doing so in a public area given the number of people that chastise them daily.
Tags: homosexual, love, secrecy, alley, girls, kiss
desbaker Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Peace dove in yellow Peace dove.
gemmaorte Ink, Pen
Life on the Wings of a White Dove Created by students aged 11-12 at "Andrei Muresanu" Secondary School in Deva, Romania.
PTPIGYM Mixed Media
Peace Dove Created by students ages 14-16 years old at IES BOSC de la Coma in Olot, Catalonia, Spain. Winner, Global Youth Murals Project 2006
PTPIGYM Mixed Media
Doves in the Temple of Habu These doves have found for themselves a nest in a cavity inside the walls of Habu Temple, west of Luxor.
aymanelhakea Photography, Colour
A Dove A dove hiding into the mural...
amelo2005 Photography, Colour
joconda Drawing, Pencil
Dove, messenger of peace, love & Light Dove, bringer and messenger of peace, love & Light.
Wilhelmina Painting, Acrylic