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Collections (3)

Thumbnail Title Description
we want freedom Enough is enough we youth now want freedom
Glasgow Caledonian University building visit
The beauty of freedom They are easily, freely, beautiful. I look at them again and again...and every time they impress me of gracefulness

Submissions (62)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Beach and Freedom Being at the beach I found a crap trap and fighting to climb a crystal to go back where he belongs, at the beginning I feel anxious and ready to help him but I decided to keep observing and to respect his own actions. After few minutes of exhausting tries he fall dawn. I wait to see if he was alive and when he moves a little I immediately help...
YouthMedia Photography, Colour
Right to Freedom Dylan S. Age 11
Tags: National Child Day Art, Childrens Rights
carolinefair Painting, Watercolour
El Paredon Buena Visa, Guatemala This video was created through the AYV program at Project Seres. "This joyful short video invites us all to visit El Paredon Buena Vista in the south coast of Guatemala.
ayv Mixed Media
Press Freedom? By: Abel Valdez I want to communicate the importance of the 19th Article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
ayv Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Unfreedoms in Istanbul
benang Photography, Colour
Freedom is expression.pdf Artist(s): Raquel Mata; Angie Artavia Organization: Reto Juvenil Internacional This piece is part of the series of poster created by the Purral High School students for the Creating with Purpose program. Youth used the taught technical skills to create posters with which they could communicate to the rest of the community their concerns and...
ayv Photography, Colour
Edoardo Isoppi
rossella Print
Freedom oil on canvas,120x90
Tags: art, paintings
KD73 Painting, Oil
Freedom Being aboriginal has always been an important part of my life. I love (and hate) learning about my people's history and am interested in making a change for the better in the reserves.
kranderson 3D Graphics
Freedom My artwork reflects Canada's diversity. I identify with Canada's unique emphasis on the people. In particular I believe Canada's freedom of speech differentiates this country from others. We are proud, accepting individuals with a multi-cultural society. I used Canada's colours red and white as the backdrop for my work. The image i pasted on it...
allisonbellevue Mixed Media