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Submissions (14)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Ghungroos I My fascination with ghungroos began with the constant coming and going of a man I adored. He wore squeaky shoes that made sounds against the floor, which alerted me of his arrival. The sound evoked feelings of joy for that mystical presence arriving. I could find no better object better suited to express the sound as I would hear it, then that...
Tags: sana khan, photography, fine art, contemporary
sammykhan Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Ghungroos II The curiosity and anticipation impels the man to find the source of the bells that echo across the baron land.
Tags: sana khan, photography, fine art, contemporary
sammykhan Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Ghungroos III This photograph shows my need for feeling in touch with the outside world even when I’m completely detached from it. The grave signifying my lonely escape and the bells on the gravestone connecting me with every movement happening in the outer world.
Tags: sana khan, photography, fine art, contemporary
sammykhan Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Alkaram Fine Art Alkaram Fine Art Work At Home.
AlkaramFineArt Ink, Brush
Alkaram Fine Art Alkaram Fine Art Work At Home.
AlkaramFineArt Ink, Brush
Alkaram Fine Art Alkaram Fine Art Work At Home.
AlkaramFineArt Ink, Brush
Fine Art This picture is about Alkaram Fine Artwork done at home.
AlkaramFineArt Ink, Brush
Alkaram Fine Art Alkaram Fine Art Work At Home.
AlkaramFineArt Ink, Brush
Alkaram Fine Art Mustfa Jany Rahmat Pay Lakhoonu Slam. ( AlkaramFineArt )
AlkaramFineArt Ink, Brush
Alkaram Fine Art Alkaram Fine Art Work At Home.
AlkaramFineArt Ink, Brush