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Collections (41)

Thumbnail Title Description
Mott Haven Secret Rock Garden
Nela_Our Organic Garden
My favourite garden (France)
Organic Garden postcards (France)
Organic garden postcards from Slovenia
Our Organic Garden (Italy)
Organic Garden Creation from CEAL, Turkey
Organic Garden postcards from Ukraine
Organic Garden Italy 2
Our Organic Garden from Azerbaijan
Organic Garden Dream Postcards from the UK
Organic Garden postcards from Taiwan FXM
Organic Garden postcards from Sierra Leone
Organic Garden postcards from Colombia
Organic Garden Mali postcards
Bronx Library Center Garden!
Gardeners Road's Recreational Centre
Organic Garden Mali postcards
Organic Garden postcards from Colombia
Organic Garden postcards from Sierra Leone
Organic Garden postcards from Taiwan FXM
Organic Garden Dream Postcards from the UK
Our Organic Garden from Azerbaijan
Organic Garden Italy 2
Organic Garden postcards from Ukraine
Organic Garden Creation from CEAL, Turkey
Our Organic Garden (Italy)
Organic garden postcards from Slovenia
Global Organic Garden
Organic Garden postcards (France)
Unit 3: Roof Gardens in London
Whitelees Primary Nature Garden
Unit 1 Project from Rutgers: Improving our Garden!
Unit 3: Roof Garden Plans
Unit 3: Roof Garden Plans
Unit 3: Roof Garden Plans
My favourite garden (France)
Bangalore: India's Garden City Bangalore is known the world over as India's Information Technology Capital. However, long before the information technology boom, the city was a military cantonment and a pensioner's paradise. Despite all the economic activity, the city has a relaxed and easy-going feel. It is full of gardens and parks and has some lovely architecture...
Singapore National Orchid Garden A stroll through the garden on a rainy November day...

Submissions (111)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Lost in the Garden The purpose of this art is to encourage our leaders to take action on food security.
Tags: garden, fruit, vegetable, meat, milk, food security
BlockyBroc Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Intergenerational Growing In this picture I am standing next to a lavatera plant in my community garden plot. Lavatera is a beautiful plant that grows to be 3-4 feet tall and is full of bright pink flowers. I didn’t know what a lavatera plant was until my grandmother sent me a little plastic envelope with small seeds inside and a piece of masking tape stuck to the...
Tags: garden, family, connection
3Ed933kEyA Photography, Colour
Organic garden dream We had an organic garden at school campus since 2008, my elder sisters joined the action to grow vegetables and learned more about caring our mother land, and I followed them at the first day when I am a student in Taiwan FXM. i collected more schoolmates to join us. Since Taiwan often had typhoons in summer, we observed all of the changes...
Tags: organic garden dream, school organic garden, climate change report
Cindea Drawing, Pastel
Organic Garden Dream It's our organic garden dream since 2008. My two sisters joined this activity. now it's my turn to develop it. I collected more schoolmates to join us at school. We had a new team name "Chic chef". We took the vegetables home, make and design the food... Ian from Taiwan FXM
Cindea Drawing, Crayon
School garden model
dfox Print
My Green Roof Garden I made a model of my annex with a roof top garden.
dfox Print
Vegetable garden One more idea to have greener spaces in urban life is to have terrace gardens. This picture is from my Uncles garden in the terrace.
gpjmumbai-mehern Photography, Colour
My personal garden Due to lack of space in urban areas I personally intend to share my views of "go green" with my friends and society by introducing to them "Basket garden".
gpjmumbai-mehern Photography, Colour
Gardeners Road - Global Kids Carwash! Drue designed our company's logo. She chose the colours blue and green for a calming, natural influence, purple because it is a popular kid's colour and pink and yellow because the represent happiness.
preuger Mixed Media
Radial garden geometric motifs
ZeinabAhmedAli Drawing, Pastel