Explore our free educational programs and capacity-building resources that help educators foster deep learning competencies through real-world problem solving.
Explore our free educational programs and capacity-building resources that help educators foster deep learning competencies through real-world problem solving.
Es importante que pensemos en un mejor futuro, en un mundo sostenible y en lugar seguro y libre de contaminación donde podamos tener una vida saludable y sostenible.
Para nosotros, OYE no es solamente una organización para jóvenes. Es un segundo hogar en el que nos sentimos rodeados de apoyo, motivación e inspiración . Sentimos que formamos parte de algo más grande y que juntos podemos cambiar nuestra realidad.
honduras, el progreso, OYE, juventud
Scrapping the Long Gun Registry has been a debatable topic for quite some time now in Canada. Canada’s Firearms Act was amended in 1995, requiring all owners of hunting rifles and shotguns to obtain a license and register each firearm. By January 1, 2003, all guns were to be registered. The guns that were classified as “non-restricted” were...
registry, battle, firearms, debate, ceramic, toilet, messy
More and more children are being exposed to violence every day and most of them are unaware of the effects it has on them. Violence strips away a child's innocence and purity; these two things don't belong together.
Juste à l'entrée de la ville de Porto-Novo, le lac Nokoué vous accueille avec une brise fraîche et séduisante. Près de ce lac vivent des populations qui vivent essentiellement de la pêche. Ils se sont installés et ont mis en place une organisation qui date depuis fort longtemps.
En période de grande crue, se développe dans cette lagune une...
My sun...
So far away, so close...
My sun.. I'm taking it global...
It's the only thing that all children in the world can see...
It's the only thing and all people have one...
It's the only one...my only one.. Güneşim...
I'm taking it global...