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Collections (3)

Thumbnail Title Description
There for Haiti The “There for Haiti” International Video Conference invites you to submit artwork that demonstrates how young Canadians, from the Pacific to the Arctic to the Atlantic Oceans, are “There for Haiti.” In addition to sharing your work on the online Global Gallery, a select group of students will have the opportunity to share what their art means...
Haiti Reconstruction
Haiti This set contains images from Haiti and the rebuilding of a nation.

Submissions (31)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Belonging to us I think about my friends in Haiti Ocean Project and we belong to a group to protect dolphins.
Tags: belonging, haiti
haitiocean Drawing, Pencil-crayon
On the boat We always go on the boat to look for dolphins and whales. We belong to Haiti Ocean Project. It's important to us.
Tags: boat, haiti
haitiocean Photography, Colour
My country Haiti I am Haitian and I belong to a country that has interesting history and culture. I am proud of that. That is feeling that I belong and also to Haiti Ocean Project, to help our ocean.
Tags: country, haiti
haitiocean Photography, Colour
Haiti's waterfalls One day we hiked up a mountain for many hours to see these beautiful waterfalls. We are always at sea, so this was something different. We felt connected to do this.
Tags: waterfalls, haiti
haitiocean Photography, Colour
Haiti Ocean Project Charlens Calixte and Francklin Barbier are two of the coordinators for Haiti Ocean Project. They organize what we do. They stand by a painting of our logo. We are proud to be in this project.
Tags: haiti, project
haitiocean Photography, Colour
We belong together Shadrak and Schella were in Haiti Ocean Project at the very beginning. They are still in the project and it is 10 years later. We are all together to help the ocean.
Tags: belong together, haiti
haitiocean Photography, Colour
Haiti + Ellis PSA - Global Collaboration This production was created through AYV's Global Collaboration project between the Ellis School in Pittsburgh, USA and the Haiti Ocean Project in Haiti.
Tags: Global Collaboration
ayv Mixed Media
Haiti's Moon Jellyfish By: Marie Pressoir As I begin to discover our underwater world of Haiti, I take this photo of a moon jellyfish. I learned that these jellyfish are not the most dangerous jellyfish and they can be held upside down without stinging me. The ocean is full of beautiful and interesting surprises.
ayv Photography, Colour
Haiti needs a marine mammal sanctuary By: Charmerine Calixte In January, an endangered humpback whale went into Haitian waters and was harpooned by a group of fishermen on the north coast. We tried to talk to these fishermen, but they were not educated about the importance of these species. All we could do at the time was watch. The next day, the whale died near a beach. We were...
ayv Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Haiti Demystified By: Kenneth Lamartiniere We (Haiti Ocean Project) are trying to change the image of Haiti from negative to positive. We want the world to understand that Haiti is a beautiful country, with beautiful people, a beautiful ocean and beautiful marine life, such as this pantropical spotted dolphin. We spent 7 hours out on the water, trying to capture...
ayv Photography, Colour