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Collections (1)

Thumbnail Title Description
YouthSkillsWork The Education for All Global Monitoring Report is seeking the voice of the youth on youth, skills & work. Your views will influence UNESCO's YOUthPaper, part of their 2012 Report which is read by policy makers all over the world. Winning entries could even be featured on the cover! Here's how to have your voice...

Submissions (26)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Don't Kill the Carrots #decarbonize
Millpond Markers
Clean to Killing #decarbonize
Millpond Drawing, Pencil
“Killer smoke” More people these days die from cancer, because they are smokers! I tried to illustrate how bad that cigarette is for you!
Bistere Painting
Abortion Kills To start, I apologize if this offends anyone, there is no intention to offend otheers. This is an inspired piece that shows my views of abortion abortion and how it is a dark part of America. Although a controversial work, I am proud because it is my voice. There is a light, lovely happiness on top and it fades into the darkness. The mother with...
labellasorella Collage
Killer Whales Paper cutout. (Black origami paper and scissors).
Tags: killer whele, paper, cutout
kenjiwissen Mixed Media
Drugs kill you Artist(s): Omar Amir Organization: Heritage Conservation Think Tank Description: Omar is concerned with the drugs addiction issue and is trying to tell the youth that drugs won't grant them happiness as they may think, but rather may lead to death!
ayv Photography, Digitally Manipulated
KillingFieldsMemorial The Killing Fields, Cambodia
Tags: cambodia, killing fields
zacmosphere Photography, Colour
Drugs kill us The social issue that I have chosen is drug abuse. For my first decision, I planned to draw the close up of a woman with two different conditions. One is a healthy woman and living normal and non- toxicity life so I finally drew a classroom with tables, chairs and blackboard. She has healthy skin. The other shows a woman with unhealthy life. I...
vivianmang Painting, Oil
Dream Killer Digital Photographic Collage 11 x 14"
ecmarrel Collage
Additional Proof West Milford Police in NJ USA POSSESSED INTENT To Kill Jill (Me) Additional Proof West Milford Police Tried To Kill Me It was in this emergency snow storm in the late 1990s when I was attending William Paterson College in Wayne NJ I was living where this photo was taken on the corners of Route 23 North & Oak...
lpcyu Photography, Colour