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Submissions (89)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Let Me Breathe, Let Me Live The air we breathe is getting more and more polluted. If nothing is done about it, if people don't stop destroying the "Lungs of the Earth", our own lungs will stop working...
silwen Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Live Good, Breathe Good and Grow Good To show other people how to take care of the earth and the effects of not taking care of it.
JozefKyle0930 Drawing, Pencil-crayon
NATURE IS PERFECT, LET´S BALANCE OUR LIVES Nature has the best orchestra ever: everything in tune, with a sharp rythm that remind me to feel the life beat.. Everything perfect to be calm and grateful.
YouthMedia Photography, Colour
Waste Not, Want Not- Live in Harmony With the Nature The bud planted on a light bulb in the center is a symbol of green energy; both hands holding a heart symbolizes protection. The left side of the heart represents recycling, and the right side symbolizes the ecosystems and the earth.
Tags: environment, nature, sustainability, climate change, ecofriendly, #savetheplanet, earth, sustainable, green, recycle, Decarbonize, sustainable living, global warming, climate action, pollution, reuse, art, activism
Meimei-Taiwan Drawing, Crayon
Saving nature, Saving lives A student´s watercolor work that depicts the connection of indigenous people and Earth.
Tags: brazil, Taguatinga, indigenous people, deforestation
IsabelTeixeira Painting, Watercolour
Construct Water Ways - Save Lives UCHECI MERE UDONSI, a JS 3 student of The Lords College Keffi, is illustrating the effects of floods in her community which is as result of lack of well-contrusted water ways and some human activities like dumping refuse inside the waterbodies and drains which causes Flooding thereby destroying lives and properties.
Tags: flooding, water, drainages, Save Lives
jojoblossoms Computer Graphics
We still have the power to choose in which side we want to live! If we do the right thing we can save our planet and live symmetrically with nature.
Tags: brazil, brasília, Tupi Guarani, ClimateChanging, airpollution, droughts, floods, saveourplanet
ingrid2209 Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Right to Be Alive Eva C
Tags: National Child Day Art, Childrens Rights
carolinefair Painting, Watercolour
The Lives of the Sekolah Bisa Children (The CAN school) This submission is a video created by myself and a group of students at my school, The British School of Jakarta, Indonesia. In this video we showcase our partner school “Sekolah Bisa” and its students, all of whom are children living in the shanty towns of Jakarta. This school was created by previous students of the British School as part of...
Tags: video, shanty, shantychildren, poverty, indonesia, third-world countries
michsinggih Computer Graphics
Yours Truly When one finds a true sense of belonging, he/she is able to see life through a new perspective because he/she no longer has to question his/her own existence and instead, seek greater truths about the world in which surrounds him/her.
Tags: world, love, friendship, belong, inspire, dream, art, paint, oil pastel, beautiful, life, live
anniechenster Mixed Media