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Submissions (6)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
lush garden by Giulio Latini
rossella Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Lush-Green Sinhagarh! In India the beautiful valley of Sinhagarh, Pune looks amazing in Monsoon, after an occassional shower , then when the sun shines. The lush green is so refreshing, you'll immeditaely fell in love with it! Moreover the Fort in the valley has a Historical importance too. It dates back to Shivaji, the Martha King of 17th Century, whose general...
mews Photography, Colour
Lush Green!!
matrixuni Photography, Colour
Slush Middle of a winter snowstorm, stuck in traffic, isn't it always the way?
ryann Photography, Colour
Plush 2 - Sydney, Australia February 2003
Jarra Photography, Colour
Plush 1 - Sydney, Australia February 2003
Jarra Photography, Colour