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Submissions (7)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
KyMani Marley Illustration My illustration of artist Ky-Mani Marley, son of Bob Marley.
Tags: marley, eric, seen, design
ericseen Cartoons
The Legendary Bob Marley
coco6t2a Mixed Media
untiled(marley) this is a...try out? i thought to try my hand at stipleling < (not sure if i spelled that right)... i guess i was just trying to test my self ...its a pen and ink of Bob marley... ( i take no credit for this )
jesus003 Ink, Pen
Bob Marley A really quick sketch I did of Bob Marley in Sharpie Marker. It doesn't look exactly like him, but I like the way it came out. Especially b/c I spent about 5 min, or less on it. I was just in the mood to move my hand really fast - you can probably tell by my marks. It was fun. :)
ilovebobmarley86 Ink, Pen