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Collections (42)

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Connected North@Home Student Gallery During the 2020 COVID Pandemic, students from across Canada participated in live video conferences to connect with artists, scientists, actors, museums and galleries all over the world. Through this time, students created a variety of artwork. These images were the result of their learning and sharing.
$125 Off SiteWide + Free Shipping on mattress and couch of Nolah Sleep store only at reecoupons Reecoupons is the well-known shopping site, shown the online shopping coupons and deals on the products . There are tons of valuable discount offers are available, now they are offering discount on mattresses. click on:
Nội thất Hpro Giới thiệu về nội thất Hpro
Scifikids | Augmented Reality India | Innovare Augmented Reality is a technology that merges your physical environment with digitally produced information of the object you see through your camera.
Wish150 Indigenous Youth Artwork Calling all students from across Alberta to submit their art expressing their wish for Canada in the next 150 years! You can reflect on one of the following themes represented in the Indigenous Youth Advisory Circle Idea Book Read the submissions from other Indigenous youth from across the country and where they wish to see Canada...
Chelsea GPJr Kids Visit the Lenox Lounge
Sorrentino Theatre Album
CWF Get to Know 2012 Contest Winners! The Canadian Wildlife Foundation - " Get to Know Contest " includes pieces that were based on the inspiration of participants to get outside and create original works of art, writing, photography, videography and music inspired by nature. This year’s theme was “Get to Know Your Wild Neighbours”. This set includes all amazing 2012...
Adrianov úspech
Buenos Aires Neighborhood Guide
Save Orangutan - Project Borneo 3D by Dino Fitriza Orangutan is Critically endangered. Only 6,600 sumatran orangutan and 40,000 to 50,000 borneo orangutan in the wild today. Deforestation threaten Orangutan habitat. Project Borneo 3D the movie is a project to save orangutan and borneo rainforest from destruction. Support me in Project Borneo 3D the movie.
An innocent child Is a a shocking video.An innocent child was forced to mutilate or to kill people:(
Native Species Album- Sorrentino
Au fond de nous même I make this drawing, in a difficult moment in my life. I was not really fine with my personal liberty, so that was the result. Le résultat d'un moment difficile dans ma vie, ce dessins démontre le fait d'être mal dans sa peau, de se sentir brimé dans sa propre liberté. Enjoy it.
Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumedienne Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumedienne Depuis la création de l’USTHB, plus de cent mille etudiants sont passés sur les bancs de Bab-Ezzouar. Aujourd’hui, une communauté de prés de vingt-cinq mille personnes vit sur le campus, une vingtaine de milliers d’étudiants, plus mille cinq cent enseignants, autant de...
company quality techno seeds‎ ‎MM ‎Hamouda Ahmed‎‎ ‎MM Hamouda Ahmed Hamouda Ahmed Hamouda Ahmed MM Hamouda Ahmed‎‎ Picasa Web Albums - magedhamouda70 Photos by magedhamouda70‎ LINKS with pictures of all the research by MAGED HAMOUDA From Egypt ‎company quality techno seeds‎ EGYPT MAGED HAMOUDA : WORKS breeder Field Crops...
Noa I think every animal deserves to be treated with care. I'm dedicating this set of my dog's pictures (and other animals i've photographed) to all the animals in the world.
Aenorsmedia Albertus Van Wyk, Alchemist/Artist present's: His new unreleased alloy: Aenors(tm)Numinal under the form of a multiconçeptual object with a Nominal and refundable Value of 75€! The "Numinal Aura Booster" in Aenors(tm)Numinal is the result of years of Esoteric study's,Meditation and lab test's in my foundry,...
Recognizing the Resistance of Indigenous Peoples Throughout history the indigenous peoples of the world have continually resisted threats to their cultures and existence. From the first contact with outside cultures to modern day struggles, indigenous resistance continues all over the world from Mexico to Australia. In this Global Gallery contest we ask TIG members to share stories, modern...
Participation: The Domino Effect "There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who, with the help of their art and intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun." - Pablo Picasso Willingly or not, we "participate". We participate in the effects of the decisions made by a government. We participate in the...
Life As You Know It The theme for the month of March 2003 at TakingITGlobal was Cultural Diversity. The Global Gallery was running a contest to promote the visual expression of this theme. "Life As You Know It" called for artwork that expressed life as you know it in your community, city or country. We wanted our members to help to encourage Cultural...
Indigenous Canada These submissions will be featured on the Indigenous Canada portal. Artwork can illustrate: -Life on a First Nations Community -Ideas on the Preservation of Indigenous Knowledge and/or Culture -Sharing Mythology—retelling a native myth from your nation -Language –sharing the meaning of a word from your native language -A...
LVVL North York - Causes of Violence
Russia: Children and Youth Creativity Center, Chernogorsk
Russia: Art Group 'Friendship', Youth Centre 'Nadezhda', Novosibirsk Courtesy of NGO "Школа роста"
Aenorsmedia by Albertus Van Wyk Here i want to expose my collection of "Ikons of the planets soul" based on driftwood's,Pigmentary impregnation and Aenors Art Alloy's !
Native American [includes all indigenous from around the world] An art exhibit of my indigenous inspirations.
A Philosophy and Practice for Now and the Future The phrase "how can I help" shows great humanity.
we are not the minority, are we??? Does the poorest also have a voice? how come people talk about humam rights or humanaty with one hand in their pocket and other one in their interest? I'm confused because I can't understand the people whom call themselves human but do am I the only one? As a wise man once said; 'more of i think of a man more I like my dog'.
Alexandria and the North Coast I dedicate this exhibit to my hometown, Alexandria, and its surrounding region (aka The Egyptian North Coast). As such, photos that I shot, are meant to give the visitor an idea about daily-life and nature in Alexandria and the North Coast.
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Blizzard The late-winter brings a series of blizzards that cut off Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and all of Sakhalin Island from the rest of the world. People are completely used to this phenomenon and life goes on as usual.
Vilnius, November/December 2005 This is such a fascinating place and no one ever thinks about it, so I decided to upload lots of pics from my stay attending a youth summit.
New York, October/November 2005 I came here again as UN Youth Delegate for the UK and saw some different things to last time, so here are a few photos.
Now in North Africa#1 The World in a plate', Egypt_ first
Here and now People are dreamers, and that is what makes them explorers and adventurers. In other words that is what keeps them going -need to see, feel more. Sometime we are blinded with the desire so we do not see what is in our backyard. Show the world and people around you how your world can be beautiful before you start exploring other worlds.
NANOART NANOART - Limited edition prints. The artist created a nano-sculpture by freezing a tiny drop of colloidal graphite (graphite nano-particles in a suspension) in Liquid Nitrogen at -196 deg C. The monochromatic scan has been painted digitally. The final image is printed on canvas with archival inks. The prints last for a long time without...
Buenos Aires En esta coleccion se encuentran fotos de fachadas de edificios de Buenos Aires
Mi Buenos Aires Querida En esta exhibición se incluyen fotos tomadas en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires en las que pueden apreciarse lugares y aspectos típicos y distintivos de esta gran ciudad.
Hanoi Hello this is my city. :)

Submissions (796)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Technology Can Clean our oceans I created a machine that could clean up all of the plastic pollution in our oceans and help all the fish.
Rebsmoon Drawing, Pencil-crayon
In Nature Nothing Exists Alone #Decarbonize Canadian Youth Summit
tgodwald Drawing, Pencil-crayon
No One Believes Us Because We Are Young We're killing the earth and that's really fun. /s
tgodwald Collage
The node tree It refers to the condition of the unbridled search for technology in the midst of various options and the search for truth, for human rights, for the identity that must be rescued in the face of life's unknowns.
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
O grito no meio dos girassóis O grito em meio aos girassóis, é a expressão de espanto frente as condições das mudanças climáticas que afetam a saúde e o meio ambiente. Sendo um direito de poder respirar ar de qualidade de ver crescer os girassóis e usufruir das suas belezas.
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
O grito dos novos tempos Ismael de Abreu, Kaio Silva, Millene de Moraes, Maria Eduarda, Maria Cecília Gonçalves
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
Change yourself not the climate The purpose is to say a stop to the pollution we make and the climate change. The man in the front raising his hand is saying a stop to the pain and suffer that's happening in his back because of the climate change and behind that suffer there are people holding the world with ropes and they are burning the world on fire they made with purpose...
globalgallery Painting, Watercolour
Reduce Carbonmonoxide Plant a tree to replace the wood we use
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Nature knows better Let us permit nature to have her way
Ashritha2108 Painting, Watercolour
Ocean No/Yes Kids for Kindness
Rebsmoon Drawing, Pencil-crayon